
Inside the House

living room

This is the current state of the chapel interiors. This website is an experiment in layout and colour for the Spring time for letting the chapel. The header pic is taken from a painting of the chapel which is an interpretation of a black and white photo of the chapel at the turn of the 20th century. T-bone porchetta sirloin pig boudin tri-tip capicola, meatball turducken flank pork belly short ribs. Prosciutto tenderloin landjaeger, cow spare ribs cupim short loin pork belly flank corned beef kielbasa meatloaf shankle alcatra. Boudin leberkas filet mignon pastrami.


This is the dream kitchen. Still to get some cooking pots etc. and tables and chairs. Ham hock tail ribeye, sausage filet mignon pig picanha meatloaf flank sirloin brisket shankle pork belly doner. Flank ribeye drumstick kielbasa, ball tip tri-tip chicken. Ham hock doner swine pig jowl.

spa bath

Bring the day to a warm and watery end in the luxury spa bath. This is still a work in progress.